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About me

My name is Maxime and I'm an IT. I have studied at HELMo Campus Guillemins during three years in computer sciences Bachelor's. I'm currently working at Synchrone Web Agency. At Synchrone, I'm currently working with .NET technology more especially on ASP.NET. We develop our own CMS : FlexoCMS


Institut Providence Herve

Electricity and automation


HELMo Campus Guillemins



Synchrone Creative Agency

.NET Developer especially in web development


During my studies, I used many tools and technologies. The first approach in development started with the Java language and the IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse tools. The second approach was in C# and Visual Studio. I had many experience with some languages like Javascript or C but but I didn't get far.

My preferences were quickly focused on C# because I find that this language improves over the years, has a rich, clear and precise documentation. I use microsoft technology and the tools that go with it every day for my work.

Curriculum Vitae



If you want contact me ? Send me an email or send me a message on LinkedIn and I will get back to you as soon as possible !